
Commonly used vocabularies

Common vocabularies found in Floor Plan

Japanese English
間取り Floor Plan
1.8m x 90cm (1.62m²)
洋室 Western style bedroom
和室 Japanese style bedroom
ロビー Lobby
玄関 Entrance
キッチン Kitchen
台所 Kitchen
リビング Living Room
ダイニング Dining Room
トイレ Toilet
浴室 Bathroom
バルコニー Balcony
天井 ceiling
屋根 Roof
廊下 Corridor
ホール Corridor
オートロック Auto lock
インターフォン Intercom
エアコン Air-conditioning
クローゼット Closet
ウォークインクローゼット Walk-in Closet
納戸 Store room
床暖房 Floor heating
洗面室 Powder Room
洗濯機置場 Place for washing machine
冷蔵庫置場 Place for Refrigerator
換気扇 Ventilation fan
給湯器 Hot water heater
下駄箱 Shoe rack
ガス Gas
ロック Lock
キー Key
コンクリート Concrete
エレベーター Elevator
付帯設備 Equipment and fixtures
日当たり Bright
南向き Facing south

Common vocabularies found in Contract & Agreement

Japanese English
宅建建物取引士 Licensed real estate broker
契約 Agreement / Contract
不動産売買契約書 Real estate purchase and sales agreement
購入意向表明書/買付証明書 Letter of Intent
検査済証 Building inspection certificate
保証書 Warranty
成約 Contracted and closed
引渡し Passing and delivery
売買 Purchase and Sale
契約日 Date of Contract
決済日 Date of Closing
仲介手数料 Brokerage fee
価格 Price
査定価格 Valuation
購入希望価格 Proposed purchase price
手付金 Deposit
違約金 Penalty
修繕積立金 Repair fund
代理人 Agent
委任状 Power of attorney
実印 Registered personal seal
印鑑証明 Certificate of registered personal seal

Common vocabularies found in Renting

Japanese English
賃貸住宅 Apartment for rent
賃料/家賃 Rent
礼金 Key money paid to the owner upon signing contract. This money is non-refundable.
敷金 Deposit: It is paid to the owner when contract is signed. It is used for unpaid rent, and/or damages, repairs and cleaning upon evacuation. The owner will return the amount of the deposit, minus unpaid rent etc.
保証人 Guarantor who bears obligations such as rent.
テナント Tenant
マンション Mansion / apartment
外国人登録証明書 Registration Card for foreigners
住民票 Certificate of residency